Relationship between sperm tail morphology and sperm motility parameters
WANG Gaigai WANG Jiaxiong SHEN Liyan HAN Mutian CHENG Hongbo LI Hong YANG Shenmin
Reproductive and Genetic Center, the Affiliated Suzhou Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Suzhou Municipal Hospital, Jiangsu Province, Suzhou 215002, China
Abstract:Objective To analyze the relationship between sperm tail morphology and sperm motility parameters. Methods A total of 15 398 specimens were collected from Reproductive and Genetic Center in Suzhou Municipal Hospital from November 2015 to December 2017. The samples were divided into asthenospermia group (4941 cases) and normal spermatozoa activity group (10 457 cases). The morphological malformation statistics of the two groups were collected. The relationship of sperm tail morphology and sperm motility parameters were analyzed. Results The abnormal morphology rates of asthenospermia group and normal group were significantly different (P < 0.05). There was statistically difference between asthenospermia group and the normal in mid piece angular bend [(9.41±3.62)% vs. (8.33±3.12)%], short [(1.34±2.87)% vs. (0.74±1.08)%], hairpin-like bend [(0.69±0.92)% vs. (0.64±0.81)%], curled [(8.83±4.09)% vs. (7.53±3.52)%], and main piece angular bend [(8.24±2.93)% vs. (7.65±2.58)%] (P < 0.05). The most common types of abnormal sperm tail morphology were mid piece angular bend, curling and main piece angular bend. Sperm motility gradually decreased as the proportion of the three kinds of malformations gradually increased. With the increase of the proportion of these three deformities sperm motility gradually malcreased, the differences were highly statistically significant (P < 0.01). Conclusion Sperm tail morphology malformation on sperm motility parameters has statistically influence. It is necessary to observe the sperm tail morphology of asthenospermia patients.
王改改 王家雄 沈丽燕 韩慕天 程洪波 李红 杨慎敏. 精子鞭毛形态与精子运动参数的关系[J]. 中国医药导报, 2018, 15(27): 12-16.
WANG Gaigai WANG Jiaxiong SHEN Liyan HAN Mutian CHENG Hongbo LI Hong YANG Shenmin. Relationship between sperm tail morphology and sperm motility parameters. 中国医药导报, 2018, 15(27): 12-16.
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